

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 Smallest House in the World

1. Tumbleweed House

Since 1997, Jay Shafer of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company has been living in homes smaller than most people's closets. Though tiny, these cozy, cabin-esque home designs somehow  fit everything you need inside them: a workspace, bedroom, bathroom (with toilet and shower) and living space. Some designs include a porch so the homeowner can sit out and enjoy the open spaces.

2. Micro Compact Home

Measuring only 2.6m cubed, Micro Compact Homes somehow manage to include room for two double beds, a bathroom, lobby, dining space for 4-5 people, a kitchen and top-notch entertainment technology. It's enough to make you want to stay inside.

3. Toronto's Little House

Tucked between it's normal-sized neighbors, this miniature is not the smallest in the world, but it's likely the smallest one in Toronto, Canada. Boasting a mere 312 square-feet of space, the Little House has garnered cult-liked interest sine going on the market recently. Celebrity Ellen Degeneres has expressed interest in one day owning the tiny home.

4. Rollit Homes

Students at the University of Karlsruhe n Germany designed these chic modular homes, which are built to incorporate multiple uses inside one small living space. The home functions like a mouse on a wheel; the homeowner can change the structure of the house by walking in the center to rotate it. With just a little bit of daily exercise, the unit can be turned to reveal a bed, lounge chair, table, shower, toilet or a kitchen sink -  all in the space.

5. Eco Bike Trailer

Paul Elkins originally designed this bike trailer to get around the Burning Man Festival. There's only space for one, and if you need to use the restroom, you'll have to resort to the great outdoors, but it is fully powered by a wind turbine and comes equipped with a solar-powered oven and heating system. In a space this small, you might not need anything more than your own body heat.

6. Smallest House in  Great Britain

Also known as the Quay House, the Smallest House in Britain is a tourist attraction in Conwy, Wales. Measuring only 10 feet by 6 feet, it lives up to its name. Until 1990, the home was once occupied by a 6-foot, 3-inch fisherman. It's hard to believe there was enough room left over for a stove, water tap, bedside cabinet and a bed.

7. Twelve Cubed Mini Home

According to Twelve Cubed designers, these tiny homes feature a dishwasher, microwave and modern oven combo, bathroom, closet and plenty of natural light. The mission behind the homes is to allow more people to live more sustainably, but the cute design is a temptation in an of itself.

8. Nano House

Created to help solve the world's global housing crisis, these 25 square-meter homes are designed to house a family of four. Nano Living System homes are also equipped with state-or-the-art insulation and passive solar heating for energy savings. The rooms are convertible to make the most of the tiny space.

9. Tiny Texas Houses

Not everything is bigger in Texas. Tiny Texas Houses, based in Luling, Texas is a company 'building the future with the fast'. Each of the tiny houses is made from recycled salvage materials. As the company says on the website: "After a generation of having it all and wasting so much, perhaps it is time to consider keeping it small and preserving what we have before we waste more of our limited resources".

10. Single Hauz

Like an inhabitable billboard, the Single Hauz – by Poland's front architect– proposes cantilevering domestic living space from a central mast. The house can then be installed above a variety of ground conditions, from the middle of a meadow to an urban core. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Little Change In Flood Situation

Little Change In Flood Situation
KUALA LUMPUR – The situation in flood-hit areas in Kelantan and Terengganu this morning remains little changed from last night, with 2,074 evacuees at relief centres.
The Golok River in Kelantan is still swollen and stretches of four roads are still closed to light vehicles while the major rivers in Terengganu are back to their normal levels.
A spokesman of the Kelantan flood operations room said the floods in the state were now confined to the Kota Baharu, Pasir Mas and Tumpat districts.
“Eleven relief centres are still open in the three districts, with nine of them in Pasir Mas, the worst-affected district,” he told Bernama.
The spokesman said the level of the Golok River at Rantau Panjang this morning was 10.09 metres, still above the danger point of nine metres.
He also said that stretches of four roads still remain closed to light vehicles in Pasir Mas and Tumpat.
Three stretches of the roads are in Pasir Mas, namely Km10 of Jalan Rantau Panjang-Panglima Bayu; Km1 of Jalan Banggol Kulim Lokasi 2 and Km3 of Jalan Pengkalan Rakit while one stretch is in Tumpat, which is Km3 of Jalan Cabang 4/Kampung Jambu/Meranti, he said.
The floods in Kelantan have claimed the lives of four people. Three other people are missing. They Mohd Alif Rizuan, 15, who was bathing in a river in Machang, Mohd Azman Yusuf, 17, who disappeared in the Golok River, and Mohd Farid Mohd Yusof, 20, who went missing at Kuala Pak Amat beach.
In TERENGGANU, a spokesman of the National Security Council said 107 people were still at a relief centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Guntong in the state this morning, down from the 117 yesterday evening.
A spokesman of the Drainage and Irrigation Department said the levels of the major rivers in the state are back to normal.
At the height of the floods, six of the seven districts in Terengganu were flooded, affecting almost 3,000 people. – BERNAMA

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jenis Tulisan Dengan Sikap Pemilik

Hasil analisis Dato Dr Fazdhilah Kamsah ni mungkin ada benarnya.
Cuba perhati bebetul!
Pertama : Tekanan ketika menulis
i. Tekanan yang kuat
Seseorang yang menulis dengan kuat tekanannya sehingga berbekas di bahagian belakang kertas.
• Sihat, cergas, pantas dan sedikit agresif

ii. Tekanan yang ringan
Seseorang yang menulis dengan lembut dan ringan dan tidak berbekas.
• Kurang bertenaga, kurang sihat dan mudah sakit

Kedua : Bentuk Tulisan

i. Tulisan yang bulat-bulat
Semua huruf ditulis dengan bulat
• Emosional, prihatin, pengasih penyayang, kepekaan tinggi dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kanan (otak kreatif)

ii. Tulisan yang tajam-tajam atau leper-leper
Tulisan yang angular dan sharp
• Rasional, berkerja dgn sistematik, pandai mengurus dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kiri (otak logical)

Ketiga : Kecondongan

i. Condong ke kanan
• Extrovert, suka bercerita, berkongsi maklumat dgn orang lain, peramah, suka campur orang, mudah memimpin, mudah menunjukkan kasih sayang, berani, pemurah

ii. Condong ke kiri
• Introvert, suka menyimpan rahsia, agak pemalu, tak suka berubah, amat setia kepada kekasih, keluarga, organisasi dan negara tetapi tak suka campur orang

iii. Tegak
• Systematic, mudah kawal diri, suka berkawan tetapi tak cari kawan sebaliknya kawan cari dia, tak suka gaduh-gaduh, suka ambil jalan tengah

iv. Campur-campur
• Emosi tak tetap macam remaja yang belum cukup umur

Keempat : Kerapatan
i. Jarang-jarang
• Tak suka campur orang, kurang mesra dan sedikit boros.

ii. Rapat-rapat
• Suka campur orang, amat bergantung kepada orang lain, jimat atau kedekut

Kelima : Pada huruf J, G, Y, Z
i. Ada ekor
a) Besar, panjang dan sempurna
• Tahap emosi yang dipamer itu jelas, pengasih & penyayang, pemurah, mudah kesian pada orang, mempamerkan tahap kerajinan

b) Pendek dan tak sempurna
• Tak pandai mempamerkan emosi, kurang rajin, tak pandai mempamerkan kasih sayang walaupun sayang itu banyak dalam diri

Keenam : Pada palang huruf kecil T (t)

i. Tinggi
• Tahap aspirasi tinggi

ii. Rendah
• Mudah berpuas hati, cita-cita rendah

iii. Tengah-tengah
• Usaha dan tahap pencapaian itu di tahap sederhana

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jaga Pendrive, Data Selamat

Berikut merupakan beberapa tip untuk menjaga, mengendali dan merawat pena USB drive:

1.   Ikut prosedur mencabut USB pendrive daripada Port USB.

     Apabila selesai menggunakannya, biasakan diri mencabutnya dengan mengikut prosedur yang betul. Amalkan menekan butang 'eject' sebelum menariknya keluar daripada port USB. ini dapat mengelakkan USB pendrive daripada berlakunya kerosakan dan juga dapat menyelamatkan data yang tersimpan dalam pena USB drive tersebut.

2.   Elakkan menyunting data secara langsung daripada pendrive.

     Sama seperti produk lain, Pendrive memiliki jangka hayat tertentu. Ini bermakna ia akan rosak dan tidak boleh berfungsi pada satu-satu masa. Jika kita lihat spesifikasi jangka hayat pendrive, biasanya berada sekitar 10,000 hingga 100,000 (read/write). Oleh sebab itu, kamu mampu memanjangkan jangka hayat pendrive tersebut dengan TIDAK menyunting data secara langsung daripada pendrive tersebut.

3.   Imbaskan pendrive dengan Antivirus secara rutin.

     Ini merupakan salah satu cara yang harus diamalkan apabila menggunakan pendrive. Untuk menghapuskan virus yang ada di dalam pendrive, jangan lupa untuk mengimbasnya (scan disk) dengan antivirus yang terdapat dalam komputer. Dengan cara ini, ia boleh menjaga data yang ada dari dijangkiti virus yang kemudiannya akan memberi kesan sedikit demi sedikit.

4.   Jauhkan daripada air.

     Walaupun beberapa pengeluar mendakwa produk mereka kalis air dan tahan lasak, seboleh-bolehnya cuba elakkan daripada ia berada dalam persekitaran yang basah dan berair. Sekiranya pendrive terkena air, keringkannya terlebih dahulu sebelum menggunakannya semula. Pastikan ia betul-betul kering sebelum di sambungkan semula ke port USB.

5.   Elakkan daripada kesan impak yang kuat.

     Dengan membiarkan pendrive terjatuh dari tempat yang tinggi atau tertindih dengan barang yang berat boleh merosakkan pendrive. Jangan dedahkan pendrive kepada perkara yang mendatangkan risiko yang boleh merosakkannya. Simpan pendrive di tempat yang selamat dan mudah di jaga. Satu perkara lagi, jangan lempar atau  melontarkan pendrive seperti sebiji bola tenis.

6.   Hindari dari medan magnet.

     Menjadi kebiasaan setiap produk elektronik yang boleh menghasilkan medan magnet seperti televisyen dan telefon bimbit adalah tidak baik bagi pendrive. Oleh itu jangan biarkan pendrive diletakkan berhampiran dengan peralatan elektronik yang sedemikian.

7.   Elak suhu yang terlalu tinggi.

     Suhu yang terlalu tinggi juga mampu memberikan kessan negatif kepada prendrive. Kamu haruslah bijak menjaganya agar tidak rosak dan memberi kesan yang tidak bagus kepada data yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Jauhkan pendrive daripada suhu yang terlalu tinggi.

8.   Bersihkan sambungan (connector) pada pendrive USB.

     Keadaan yang kotor pada sambungan boleh menyebabkan proses membaca dan menulis gagal pada pendrive. Amalkan memcuci penyambung pendrive dengan menggunakan kain pengelap antiseptik atau tin tekanan udara (compressed air can) untuk menyembur bahagian yang dipenuhi dengan kotoran